- email - here you should input your e-mail address.
- tips - it specifies if the tool tips will be shown in this section or not. It can be on or off
Social Icons
This section lets you specify the social icons you want to display below the contact form. Included are Twitter, Facebook, and your own url address. Each of these social icons has 4 attributes:
- url - specifies the address where the user will be redirected to after clicking the icon
- target - it can be _self (it will open in the same window) or _blank (it will open a new window).
- tip - it specifies the message to display in the tool tip (ex: my website)
- visible - it specifies if the icon will be shown or not. It ca be true or false
The Text area defines the content that will be displayed in the contact form:
- title - it specifies the title that is displayed at the top of contact form.
- content - it's a text block below the title where you can write anything.
- name - first input field label
- email - second input field label
- message - third input field label
- send - right button label
- clear - left button label
<contact email="support@digital-brochure.com" tips="on">
<twitter url="#" target="_blank" tip="Follow us on Twitter" visible="true"/>
<facebook url="#" target="_blank" tip="Follow us on Facebook" visible="true"/>
<website url="#" target="_blank" tip="Visit my website" visible="true"/>
<title value="CONTACT US"/>
<![CDATA[You can enter here any text]]>
<name value="Name"/>
<email value="Email"/>
<message value="Message"/>
<send value="SEND"/>
<clear value="CLEAR"/>
<inform timer="2000">
<name value="Please input your name."/>
<email value="Please input your email."/>
<emailError value="Your email address is wrong!"/>
<message value="You haven't wrote any message."/>
<send value="Your email was sent."/>
Tell a friend
The tell a friend attributes are basically the same as the above contact attributes
<tellAFriend tips="on">
<title value="Send link to a friend"/>
<yourEmail value="Your Email"/>
<email value="Friends Email"/>
<message value="Message"/>
<send value="SEND"/>
<clear value="CLEAR"/>
<inform timer="2000">
<yourEmail value="Please input your email."/>
<email value="Please input friends emai.l"/>
<emailError value="Your email address is wrong!"/>
<message value="You haven't wrote any message."/>
<send value="Your email was sent."/>