In order to update the basic settings for the digital brochure, open the settings.xml file with any text editor. You will be able to customize all of the application features. Any changes you make to the settings file will be reflected in the digital brochure interface as it reads the data inside the XML file and builds the application the way you described it within the XML file.
Start-up Settings
In the "begin" tag you can specify what book will open first or you ca choose "all" and the application will start from a "choose book" screen. If you have less than two books, the application will automatically start from displaying the only book.
<begin pub="all" />
The main navigation arrows settings
It allows you to show or hide the arrows that are shown on either sides of the books. Simply change the status attribute to on or off.<navarrows status="on" />
Background Settings
<bg path="bgimg.jpg" style="img" resize="false" />
Bg has 3 attributes:
- path - Here you input the path to a background image or a hexadecimal solid color code.
- style - You can choose between two types or background: img or solid.
- resize - It can be eighter true or false. It specifies if your background image will be resized to fit the user's screen resolution or not.
The Navigation Buttons
The Top Control Panel section contains 11 different button settings. Each of the buttons contains attributes like:
- tip - specifies the text that will appear on mouse hover.
- visible - it hide or show the button. it can be set to false or true.
- ico - define the path to the .png icon.
Buttons in details
- pubs - It will be automatically disabled if you have less then two books. The pubs has an attribute called "txt" which specifies the text that will be displayed at the top of "Select a Publication Below" panel.
- thumbs - Contains two attributes: txt and returntxt. Both attributes define the text that will be displayed in the top of the "Show all pages" screen.
- printer - Contains 3 attributes : txt, returntxt, and all. These attributes specify the text that will be displayed on top of the "printer" panel.
- PDF - Contains 3 attributes : txt, returntxt, and all. These attributes specify the text that will be displayed on top of the "generate pdf" panel.
- zoom - zoom in function
- tableOfContent - goes to your designated table of contents page
- contact - open the contact form pop-up window
- Slideshow - start/stop the slideshow
- full - goes to full screen mode
<but tips="on">
<pubs tip="Select Publication" ico="ico/books.png" txt="SELECT A PUBLICATION BELOW" />
<thumbs tip="Show all pages" visible="true" ico="ico/pages.png" txt="Select the Pages Below" returntxt="Back" />
<printer tip="Print pages" visible="true" ico="ico/printer.png" txt="Print Selected Pages" returntxt="Back" all="Select all Pages" />
<pdf tip="Download pdf version" visible="true" ico="ico/pdf.png" txt="Create PDF" returntxt="Back" all="Select all Pages" />
<zoom tip="Zoom In" visible="true" ico="ico/zoom.png"/>
<tableOfContent tip="Table of Content" visible="true" ico="ico/contets.png"/>
<contact tip="Contact Us" visible="true" ico="ico/contact.png"/>
<slideshow tip="Slideshow Start/Stop" visible="true" ico="ico/slideshow.png" />
<music tip="Music On/Off" visible="true" ico="ico/sound.png"/>
<fullscreen tip="Full screen" visible="true" ico="ico/full.png"/>
<tellAFriend tip="Tell a friend" visible="true" ico="ico/tell.png"/>